서브 비주얼


Mirae biotechBRAND

Logo&Control Level

Homeobotanical is a combination of the words Homeostasis and Botanical. Homeostasis is a physiological term which
maintains body temperature, pH, osmotic pressure, biochemical components and reactions in the body in order to live a life.
Functionality is classified into A to Z. It is a food raw material brand with the meaning of "natural herb extracts maintaining
homeostasis in the body"
proposed by Mirae Biotech Co., Ltd in 2015.

Logo & Control Level search

Homeobotanical classifies the functionality of each raw material in accordance with disease classification, and introduces raw materials in
accordance with 11 systems of the body. It examines the safety of functionally classified raw materials with various lines of scientific evidence
and then provides the ground standards to determine whether our materials can be used with other raw materials and
can be eaten with confidence.

logo&control level표
& Safety)
Level Standards
  • Although clinical data for the item are available, the source is not clear.
    The outcomes are not consistent with the desired functionality.
  • Clinical studies on the item are performed. However, there are some limitations in daily dosage or
    safety of the item.
    (People are allowed to eat the item together with other raw materials with caution or forbidden to eat it)
  • It is proven or confirmed that people are allowed to eat the item together with other raw materials with
    caution or forbidden to eat it.
  • Clinical data for the item are available, but the source is not clear.
    Even if the source is clear, the clinical data for the outcome are not sufficient.
  • Even if the daily dosage is identified according to clinical data,
    the effects of the item on the functionality are negligible.
  • The safety of the item is not identified or there are some limitations upon the intake of the item.
  • It has been used much for a long time. The item is based on materials people have eaten much.
  • The item can be eaten together with other raw materials.
  • Clinical data with clear sources are available. Some additional evidence for the functionality of the item is needed.
  • Some clinical studies are additionally being conducted, or significant results are expected to be obtained within 1 ~ 2 years.
  • Daily dosage of the item is proven based on the safety or functionality, but the mechanism is not fully demonstrated.
  • When the item is mixed with other raw materials, the synergistic effects are expected or demonstrated.
  • Clinical data with clear sources are available. Functionality and safety of the item are fully demonstrated.
  • The functionality of the item has more than 2 effects and advertising effects are also expected.
  • The item has been much used or eaten in other countries.
  • Manufacturer performs clinical data on raw materials or products. The results are consistent with the effects of the item.
  • Because functionality and daily dosage of the item are clear, there is no limitation in the safety.
  • Individual authorization on the item can proceed or it is in progress now.
    The item can obtain or have obtained grade 1 ~ 2 of individual authorized functionality.